daily drawings
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof,
thus sings Pharrel Williams in his unforgettable song Happy.
Room without a roof stands for that specific mood in which you feel there are no limits to the heights where you can take your life to. The place where you feel sovereign and happy
Perfectly suited for solitary work or meeting others. There in Diekz, everything that makes me happy, merges together: thinking, planning and drawing. Ideas and creation start there!
In an attempt to share this place’s insights and bliss, so you can experience them as well, I daily paint a view from this room without a roof. On a small, intimate wooden panel. No
Eager to experience the blissful mood of limitless space and to hang a very beautiful piece of art on your or a beloved’s wall? You can enjoy an infinite view for € 100,- * only. And, if you find it hard to choose, you can always order multiple views ; )
Clap along…